Metropolitan Musings – The Life Lessons I Didn’t Expect.

As I gazed out of my office window at the One World Trade Center, the sprawling view of Manhattan spread before me like a living, breathing tapestry of human experience. About to conclude my internship as a Strategy and Transformation Associate in NYC, I was both awed and intimidated by the city’s dynamic energy. Little did I know that these three months would not merely sharpen my professional skills but would offer a rich education on life itself. Here’s what New York City taught me:

Being a Social Chameleon

New York City is a melting pot of cultures and personalities. From friendly conversations with my bodega guy to fascinating talks with low-key millionaires at office events, I learned to converse and connect with an array of people. Relating to all kinds of individuals became more than a skill; it became a superpower.

Situational Awareness and Kindness

My situational awareness became sharper as I learned to navigate not just the streets but also the diverse cultural cues. Kindness in NYC isn’t about grand gestures; it’s in small acts like holding the door or sharing a smile with a stranger. My understanding of kindness evolved beyond saccharine expressions to appreciate the power of simple and genuine gestures.

Embracing Diversity

Being in close contact with neighbors + tourists + commuters every day, you realize that everybody is much more similar than they are different. The diversity in NYC is not just in the food or architecture; it’s in the people and their stories. Conversations with people from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds enriched my understanding of the world. I was humbled by the realization that we’re all more similar than different.

The Value of Money

NYC taught me that anyone who tells you life isn’t all about money needs to be slapped repeatedly. Living here, I couldn’t help but acknowledge that money plays a significant role in our lives. NYC doesn’t shy away from this fact, and neither should we. From observing the glitzy wealth to understanding the struggle of living paycheck to paycheck, NYC taught me the nuanced value of money and the importance of financial awareness and responsibility.

Independence and Resilience

If you can’t find someone to go with you, fuck it, go alone. It’s both exhilarating and intimidating, but in this bustling city, you’ll discover newfound freedom. Embrace the liberating and daunting experiences because they’ll make you more independent and resilient. I refuse to go back to who I was before. Resilience became my new mantra.

Adversity and Survival

You do have empathy for the homeless, but you also understand that nature is metal. Seeing them shouldn’t make you sad, it should make you grateful for your own life. I have had my ass handed to me in as many different ways throughout my time in NYC. But no matter the odds stacked against you, when you dig deep, you find out just how capable you are of surviving most of any situation. NYC tested my mettle in countless ways, but it only made me more resilient and grateful.

Empathy and Perspective

Through my social, professional, and personal interactions, I learned to see life from various angles. I realized that my problems, while important to me, were just a small part of a much larger picture. The empathy I felt for others translated into gratitude and perspective, grounding me in what truly matters. My problems seemed insignificant in the grand scheme of things, teaching me humility and gratitude.

Liberation from Inhibitions

Most people are not paying attention to you and it’s okay to just go about your life without inordinate amounts of shame/anxiety about little meaningless stuff – no one cares and no one will notice. Dancing in the park or singing along to a street musician became joyful acts free from judgment. I learned to embrace life without anxiety, finding joy in being myself, one that reminded me I’m just a small part of a big, wonderful world.

New York City became more than a place of work; it became a mentor, a friend, a reflection of life’s complexities and joys. My time here has not merely shaped my career; it has molded my character, expanded my horizons, and ignited a passion for life that I never knew I had.

From the echoing laughter in the narrow alleyways to the thoughtful silence in crowded subway cars, every corner of NYC became a part of my personal growth. The bodega guy’s wisdom, the resilience in the eyes of those who had faced adversity, the sheer diversity in a single subway car, and the liberating realization that I was just one part of this breathtaking mosaic – all these have seeped into the fabric of who I am.

Here’s to the unexpected wisdom found in the city that never sleeps. Here’s to the people, the experiences, and the memories that will forever resonate in my heart. Thank you, New York, for being not just a city but a wise and unassuming teacher. Your streets have become my pathways to understanding, and your skyline a constant reminder that life’s lessons are found not just in textbooks but in the very fabric of our everyday existence.

Abhishek Shah

Abhishek Shah

Articles: 4